Continuous Integration & Deployment


We extensively use GitHub Actions for CI/CD. Since all our in-house products are hosted on either EKS or GKE, the GitHub Actions contain steps to build a Docker image via Dockerfile and roll out the updated Docker image to these Kubernetes Clusters. We use Blue/Green deployments to roll out the changes to minimize downtime.

The following repositories have some of our GitHub Actions implementations:

whisper-chain-fe/.github/workflows at main · TrueSparrowSystems/whisper-chain-fe

whisper-chain-be/.github/workflows at main · TrueSparrowSystems/whisper-chain-be

Ephemeral Preview Environments

<aside> 💡 The Ephemeral Preview Environments have allowed development teams to move faster and get early feedback from PX teams in a cost-effective way.


E2E and Unit Testing

Our GitHub actions CI/CD pipeline performs automatic E2E and unit testing on every PR and sends out a report to the development and QA team.



Monitoring & Logging